7 Signs You Need a Knee Replacement: Don't Ignore These Warning Signals
1. Persistent Pain
One of the most prominent signs that you may need a knee replacement is persistent pain that doesn't subside with rest or medication. Chronic knee pain can be a result of various conditions, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or injury, all of which may eventually lead to the deterioration of the knee joint.
2. Limited Range of Motion
If you notice a significant reduction in your knee's range of motion, it could be a sign that the joint is deteriorating. Difficulty in bending or straightening the knee may be an indication that the cartilage has worn down, and a knee replacement might be necessary to restore proper function.
3. Swelling and Inflammation
Unexplained swelling and inflammation around the knee joint can be an alarming sign. This could be a result of the body's response to the degeneration of the knee joint. Seeking the opinion of an orthopedic specialist in Indore is crucial to determining the underlying cause and exploring potential treatment options, including knee replacement.
4. Daily Activities Becoming Difficult
If routine activities like walking, climbing stairs, or even getting up from a chair become increasingly difficult due to knee pain, it's time to consult a healthcare professional. A knee replacement surgeon in Indore can assess the severity of the condition and recommend appropriate interventions to improve your mobility and overall well-being.
5. Stiffness in the Knee:
Experiencing stiffness in the knee, especially after periods of inactivity, may indicate the need for a knee replacement. This stiffness can be a result of the diminishing cartilage, causing friction in the joint and hindering smooth movement.
6. No Relief from Conservative Treatments
If conservative treatments such as physical therapy, medication, or injections no longer provide relief, it's essential to explore more advanced options. Consulting with a knee replacement surgeon in Indore can help determine whether a surgical intervention is the next step to address the underlying knee issues.
7. Deformities in the Knee
Visible deformities or changes in the alignment of the knee joint are clear indications of structural issues. These changes can be a result of arthritis or other degenerative conditions, requiring the expertise of an orthopedic surgeon to evaluate the need for a knee replacement.
Recognising persistent knee pain, limited mobility, and swelling is crucial. When conservative treatments fail, consulting an orthopedic specialist is essential for timely intervention. Early action can prevent further deterioration, ensuring improved mobility and a better quality of life.
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