How Hip Replacement is Been Done

Replacement of body parts is been done to make their functioning well and hip replacement is no exception. Hip replacement is a surgical procedure that has been done for a smooth functioning of hips.

One can have a hip replacement surgery in Indore by finding a good orthopaedic doctor in Indore.

Generally, the hip replacement surgical procedure takes a few hours. During the procedure: -

· Your surgeon will make an incision over the front or side of your hip, through the layers of tissue.

· Then he will remove the diseased and damaged bone and cartilage and leaving healthy bone intact.

· After that he will implant the prosthetic socket into your pelvic bone, to replace the damaged socket.

· Then he will replace the round ball on the top of your femur with the prosthetic ball, which is attached to a stem that fits into your thighbone.

Hip replacement surgery generally, takes 3-6 weeks to recover fully. In which you should be able to do most of your normal light activities. There maybe you will have a little bit of discomfort or soreness after some time of the treatment.


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